Neuropsychological assessment is used for a number of purposes, including collection of diagnostic information, differential diagnosis, assessment of treatment response, and prediction of functional potential and functional recovery. This method of assessment is performance-based, and is used to examine the cognitive consequences of brain damage, brain disease, and severe mental illness. We assess across multiple functional domains (intelligence, personality, behavioral, social-emotional, sensorimotor, memory, attention, language, and executive function).
An important concept in neuropsychological assessment is normative comparison. This involves taking the performance of an individual at the time they are tested and comparing that performance to reference groups of the same age, sex, race, and educational attainment. These normative comparisons allow us to determine whether an individual is performing as would be expected, given their lifetime levels of achievement and their educational attainment, or if their performance is poorer than expected. This information as well as the interpreted test data is included in a comprehensive clinical report that will be reviewed with the patient or referring party after testing is completed.
We offer comprehensive clinical and forensic neuropsychological assessment using the most up-to-date and research-supported assessment tools. We also specialize in forensic assessment for personal injury, medical malpractice, fitness-for-duty and criminal defense cases.